crystal healing MASTER TEACHER
If you have been a Crystal Practitioner for a while and have decided that you would like to take the next step and pass your knowledge and experience on to others, this course is for you.
This course will provide you with the skills you need to teach from Crystal Level 1 all the way through and present professional crystal talks and workshops.

​In this course we will cover:
What is a Master Teacher?
Individual and group work
Teaching Techniques - revision of what you have already learnt plus new techniques
Planning workshops and practical exercises delivering an aspect of one of these over the weekend
A written piece of work or discussion (TBA) about an experience you have had with a particular crystal and also your experience to-date during your crystal journey
Crystal Meditation
Tips and Pitfalls
Ongoing Support
And much more….
Investment for this course is £630 inclusive of Workbook & Certificate